Si desean realizar alguna actividad con nosotros es IMPRESCINDIBLE que nos contacten previamente para confirmar la disponibilidad de horarios, niveles y cursos.
En nuestros cursos en formación, la fecha de inicio de ellos es orientativa, los cursos se inician cuando las plazas propuestas se completan.
Funcionamos con cita previa para atenderles.
Contact BAILAS SOCIAL DANCE MÁLAGA CENTRO through this form and one of the people responsible for the management will provide you with the information. You can also contact us through our WhatsApp 744728074 // 650154996 or Email bailasmalagacentro@gmail.com We will love to assist you!
If you wish to carry out any activity with us, it is ESSENTIAL that you contact us in advance to confirm the availability of schedules, levels and courses.
In our training courses, the starting date of them is indicative, the courses begin when the proposed places are completed.
We work by appointment to assist you, we do not attend the secretariat without an appointment. Personal telephone attention is not always possible, sorry for the inconvenience.
WHATSAPP: 744728074 // 650154996